Week 20: Cascade Locks - Trout Lake

Day 141 - 143: ( August 19 - 21 ) Zero in. Cascade Locks There is a Trail Days tradition for hikers to clean up the streets of Cascade Locks before Trail Days opens. In one hour we collected enough trash to fill the back of a pickup truck. Good work Hiker Trash !! Trail Days started at 1 PM on the 19th. There were several companies showing hiking gear, talks and demonstrations, free food samples (true hikers never turn down free food) and giveaways galore. I tried several different backpacks but didn't find one I really liked. While I was standing in line, I met Alyssa and we chatted for a bit. I dropped my tent and sleeping pad off for (free) repairs and picked them up on the 20th. Saturday night, after Trail Days closed, I camped on Thunder Island with a lot of hikers Sunday, we moved off the island ( camping is only allowed on Thunder Island during Trail Days ) to a campground in town. Thunder Island from Bridge of the Gods...